Email Campaigns

Utilize Your Mailing List for Growth & Conversions

Monthly Newsletter Creation and Management | Weekly Email Management

Email Correspondence Wireless Communication Concept

Email Marketing Experts

Unlocking Potential with Your email List

ADIM Media designs, creates, and promotes your monthly email campaigns. From a sleek and informative monthly newsletter, to sales email blast, and event alerts, we help make the email list you have been collecting work for you!
If you do not have a ‘list’, we can help set you up to collect them and to use those emails to their ultimate potential!

proven track record

Email Marketing Made Easy

Let us help you take advantage of potential customers, and repeat customers, by making sure their email box gets the most interesting and informative email of the day!

transparency and reporting

Stay informed with analytics showing open rates, bounce rates, and more to create those valuable conversions

continuous contact

With email marketing, your company name, products, and services stay front and center


Creative email campaigns That Secure Leads

your marketing team

Engage your Current Client List for Success

Your brand deserves to be seen. Yes, we get too many emails, but your name coming across an email box means it has to be seen, which helps remind potential customers you are there!